Monday, May 10, 2010

I've been absent

Although I haven't been posting much, there has been a lot of action on our part as we prepare for our next trip to Burundi to assist the teachers and the government. We are still trying to raise funds for the trip. Again, the gov't of Burundi is unable to fund what we hope to do, and our university has limited funding opportunities so we are reaching out to family and friends. To date, we still need about $20,000 to complete the editing and translating of dvd's we will to present to each teacher (about 500 teachers) who attends the education conference we will be having. If you wish to donate, please email:
To date I do have one restaurant in Chino Hills, CA that will assist in donating a portion of their receipts for this effort! Their name is Bravo Burger and if you are in the area, do plan on going for a bite to eat between June 7 and June 10. It's not that far away, so do go!
One need that I have which is not part of our "planned" commission, is to send books to Burundi. I have received books from one Jr High school, but the problem I am facing is how to get the books over to Burundi.The problem, of course, is cost. Any ideas would be great! Again, email us at the email provided.
Elections are coming up in May and June. Please keep Burundi in your prayers.